Thursday, March 30, 2006

word of the day: cathexis

(taken from
cathexis • \kuh-THEK-sis\ noun : investment of mental or emotional energy in a person, object, or idea

Example sentence:The cathexis of a mother for her daughter can be the source of a girl's confidence and stability later in life.

Another example: (interpretations in my head)
depending on a mother’s emotional state, the cathexis, or better yet the lack of it, might be what transforms vibrant, loquacious girls into querulous, self-doubting daughters who lie on floors, vacantly stare at ceilings in rooms with padded walls.

Still another:
my cathexis for my artistic process is a mutha. I mean… I can’t perform in a play, pen a poem, choreograph a routine without the life I tried to leave in the other room, interjecting some unresolved this or that; creeping in, eyeballing my work and calling me a fraud.

life is a beautiful bitch...then you fly.


Shelle said...

i will take your definitions over the mundane

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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still grooven said...

to the anonymous blogger who went away from my blog feeling attacked... that was never my intention for you or ANY reader here... EVER. i want the universe to know that i am listening, i am listening... and to you i offer my SINCEREST apologies. what i own is that i was already in argumentative headspace when i read your initial comments, which to me sounded every bit of everything you accused me of. (cyberspace communication leaves so much room for misunderstanding.) but that's neither here nor there at this point. what i do realize is that life is perception. my perception, i post here. and i am grateful that you take time to read it and respond, named or unnamed. you are free to agree or disagree. (and i am free to post it or not post it. LOL) but i hope to keep this a respectful space. thank you for contributing to my first blog lesson about welcoming someone into my home and treating them well. you are always welcome here. (the weird thing is that i loved your retort/wit.) so, let us proceed in good faith. as you said, God is most certainly good. especially when you are listening.