Monday, April 03, 2006

is this a test?

so the week before performance, i am assured that all of this is a test. the return of the raccoon between the upper and lower floors of my townhouse apartment; the unavoidable family drama; and need i even mention daylight savings time, which, by the way, is kicking my ass!

today’s vocab word:

Entry Word: late

Function: adjective

Text 1: not arriving, occurring, or settled at the due, usual, or proper time

Synonyms: behind, behindhand, belated, delinquent, latish, overdue, tardy Related Words delayed, detained, postponed; dilatory, laggard, slow, sluggish

Example Sentence:
I ran as fast as I could, but was still late for class.

Also as in: Not only was I running late this morning but losing one hour of sleep because of Daylight Savings Time has turned me into a coffee gorging, sluggish laggard at work. (notice that I used 2 of the related words in one sentence. I give myself a bonus point for that.)

(A quick note: I have to give props to the brilliant cc poet, a. van jordan whose series of poems in this word/definition/example style is the impetus for the blog openings of late... hey! there's another use of the word!)

the alarm clocks this morning might as well have been lullabies. my kids were late to school. and this week, we are hard in rehearsals again so we are to treat ourselves impeccably. so, in that case, i will make no space for drama in my life this week and i am on a “be-good-to-shia” mission. as our fearless leader, producer/tap founder dr. joni jones (omi osun olomo) advises, i will tend to myself impeccably and:

--drink lots of water

--take naps

--talk often to one another

--eat chocolate/sorbet/carmel corn or anything that makes you feel good

--applaud [my] courage

--and dance [my] joy!!!

(thank you omi)

here’s to hard work and reward. here’s to TAP women and our allies. here’s to creating art for revolution and change!



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Ms. Shia,
you forgot good bathing products. You know I LOVE some good body scrubs, bubble baths and lotions. Isn't that a good one to add to that glorious list of yours? In any case, dearest, have a great show. I luh ya, girl.

Tara, Tara